Sixteen Weeks

Four months ago, I quit my job. 

Just like that. 

I had no real plan in place, just a general idea of what I wanted to do. I remember that day very clearly. It was Friday, the 13th of October, my son's 9th birthday. My family was coming over for a birthday dinner- which I had completely forgotten about. I took care of business at work that day, almost like any other. I turned in my usual weekly paperwork, wrote a letter of resignation, and left it with my keys on a secretary's desk. I trudged home, sobbing with a multitude of emotions, and broke down in my husband's arms just as my mother walked up our driveway with a cake and glittering presents. Talk about awkward! Fast forward sixteen weeks later and I don't have another job- I haven't even looked for one. It was one of the best decisions I have ever made.

Actually, that's not true- the not looking for another job part. At least, not entirely true. I  have installed several apps to help me make side money, such as delivery and driving apps. I'm also pursuing my writing and real estate careers (more on all of this later!) But as for a regular 9-5....I'm (probably) never going back there again.

You see, my passions and talents lay in- you guessed it, folks- writing! Unless I'm forced to- unless some magnificent, well-paying-with-benefits newspaper or magazine job lands in my lap, I'm not going back to a brick and mortar job. Instead, I'm delving into the world of entrepreneurship. Thankfully, I already have a partner in crime who is not only a seasoned salesperson but also incredibly handsome- my husband. With 15 years of sales experience, five of them in real estate, he has been my ambassador and biggest supporter.

I don't recommend quitting your job without a plan in place- in fact, that plan should already be set in motion when you tender your resignation. Yet, there are also times when continuing any further is more detrimental than taking the risk of starting over. 

I took the risk. I'm shooting my shot.

And now I'm going to tell you all about my adventures!
