A Note on Teacher Protests

It's about damn time!

You didn't think a former teacher would DISAGREE, did you?

I don't have pictures of my crumbling books. I deleted all of those a long time ago.

But I remember my first year teaching....It was the geography section of our unit on Europe. Flipping through the maps, I realized many of these countries no longer existed. So I flipped to the front and looked for the publication info. 

And I found it. The book I was trying to use to teach my students the geography of the world was printed two years before I was born. I was born in 1982. 

Let me do a little math for you. I know the politicians probably don't need this help because the majority of them have either never set foot in a public school or simply think they are smarter than teachers. But I'll do the math for you anyway 

A book published in 1980 is currently TWENTY EIGHT years old and I used that book for several years. The book I used to teach my kids was OLDER than me.

So, how do I feel about those dirty, rotten, lazy, no good teachers protesting? GET IT! Any teacher in the United States who isn't being treated fairly- whose students are being ignored and forgotten- I support you.

We're listening. We stand with you.

Love from Texas.

Love, Teach.
